
Hello Visitor,
Thanks for visiting my blog site. I pray that you are blessed, encouraged, and challenged by what you read.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Coming Together

Last year in December, a young lady from Belize City, met with leaders here in Dangriga to initialize a 'coming together' of leaders here in Dangriga. In doing so, we can more effectively reach out to our community, and more powerfully impact the forces of darkness that seeks to stop God's kingdom from coming to Dangriga. Several meetings happened since then, and we are planning to have a 'Prayer & Worship' time at Princess Royal Park this Friday (26th February). Please pray with us as God continue to move us together for the advancing of his kingdom.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The creation of this blog comes primarily from simply being obedient to what I felt God was saying to me, and the desire to inform the body of Christ in Belize, and beyond, of what God is doing around Belize, so that we would be encouraged in our individual walks with Him. I pray that when you would read what is posted here, that you be encouraged. As God leads, I will include other information.