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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to wait for God's Blessings

It is always so amazing to hear someone share what God has been speaking to them, and it is the same thing God is saying to me, and we were in two different places and situations.  When God is saying something, He will do so clearly, and He will also re-enforce it. It is also an encouragement to me because it shows me that I am on target.
I have been learning how to wait for God's blessing.  I was a reading the third section of a book name 'Living Abundantly Through God's Blessing', by Jim Cymbala. I was honestly skeptical of finding anything that would be of encouragement to me.  I figured all the stories would be of people who could not remotely relate to the life that I live.  I read on in obedience to the gently nudging of the Holy Spirit, and got hit with what God wanted me to hear.  The way to wait on his blessing is to pray and give.
Pray because it is our connection to God.  It is the way we know what He wants us to do, and speak out our decision to obey and trust Him.  Give because God tells us in His word that He bless those who give, many times over.  Giving of what we have as God leads us, takes our minds of trying to work things out for ourselves, and put it instead on obedience to God.  Oh, and the giving is NOT limited to finances.
Truly waiting for God to bless us in His way and in his time means we must trust Him completely.  When we waver from moment to moment, we remind ourselves of his words to us.  The same faith we had when we trusted God to forgive us of our sins and give us new life, is the same faith we need to continue exercising moment by moment, day by day, to see His blessings flow in all areas of our lives and for us to grow stronger in our faith in God.
Martin Luther said it well, 'God will take care of us in good and bad times.  We shouldn't become over confident in times of plenty, but we also need to patiently endure in times of adversity.  God will never leave us.  He will be near us in our troubles.  Unbelievers don't have this confidence in God because they put their trust in earthly things.' (Taken from Jim Cymbala's quotation of Martin Luther in his book 'Living Abundantly Through God's Blessing').
I am reminded of King David and how he never went to battle or did anything to get himself on the throne, without consulting God first.  What God says, he does.  He was always successful in battle, and he sat on the throne years after he was anointed by God to be King.  God said of him that he was a man after His own heart.
If we are truly to live how God wants us to live-abundantly blessed, then we must submit to His way and His time.  God eagerly desires to change our hearts and bless us.  All He needs, and looks for, is a heart that believes in Him, is steadfast towards him, and an ear that will listen.