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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dwindling fears....

Remaining yoked with Christ, I notice that I am not as fearful any more. Whenever fear threatens to overcome me, I just remain focus on Christ and relax in His presence. Then peace and rest flows.
My fears were many, as I found out when I journaled them. 
Fear of not being the woman, leader, wife, friend, sister or mother I am supposed to be. I wanted to be the best and a shinning example, only to find out that God just wants me to remain in Him and be obedient to Him.
I also feared that people would find out that I wanted a break from being the best and shinning example. A really long break.
Now, I don't fear it so much. As long as I am where God wants me, I need not fear anything. No matter who understood or not, it doesn't change how God views me.
The thoughts of impending embarrassment from people seeing my fears doesn't plague me anymore. His peace and rest reigns.
And although, sometimes, I wish others would understand, and the pain of not getting that understanding threatens to overcome me, I still remain in God's peace and rest and ever close to Him.
Are you as close as He wants you to be?