A very frustrating and yet most amazing thing happened to me today. Oops! I forgot...yes, I know...I have been off the grid. It was not too long though. Yep, I had computer problems. However, I am now up and running. Yeah!
Ok, so back to the amazing and frustrating thing. I was driving back from school where I had just drop off my children, and our vehicle went TOTALLY dead. No power! I had to walk home. On walking home, I was picked up by a friend. This saved me some walking. My daughter who is currently attending junior college, needed a ride to school in the next hour or so...I was thinking taxi to the rescue, but did not want to spend the money. Already spent on gas. Then, when I was about to call a mechanic friend of my husband, I got a call from a pastor friend of ours asking how I was doing. I told the whole story, he came for the key and fixed the problem with the vehicle.
So, the amazing part: looking back, I saw God's hand in the whole thing.
1. Where the vehicle lost power, it did not block traffic.
2. The ride from my friend obviously help me, but she needed to talk right then too.
3. Although I made my own arrangements to get my daughter to school, our vehicle was fixed in time to get her to school. No extra money spent.
4. As I was about to call for help with the vehicle, I received a call from the pastor friend who solved the problem.
5. In the midst of it all, I did not feel overwhelmed, and was able to think straight.
Isaiah 41: 10 became real again for me as I read it. "I am with you, I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you."
Sunday at church, I taught from 2 Chronicles 16:9. God really showed His might in my behalf. He is an awesome God, and He reigns and is in control. His wisdom, love and power was demonstrated to me in one event.
This same God wants to 'show His might in your behalf'. Will you let Him?