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Monday, June 5, 2017

Sinking in...

When I am confronted with new truth about God and His ways, the hit varies in intensity - from a stern look to a ton of bricks. I don't have to tell you which ones I prefer. Either way I find that as I choose to embrace and apply His truth, His promised peace and rest flows.
I am also being transformed into His image each time I embrace His truth. I don't recognize myself anymore(I posted on that before).
It is strange and exciting and humbling, and overwhelming all wrapped up in one.
I also like that God does stuff in my life on a need to know basis. Yeah, it can be frustrating not knowing what's next,  but if He hit me with all I needed to change one lick, I wouldn't be able to handle it.
This invitation continues, to come to Christ. Have you gone to Him yet? And if you have, did you also take His yoke of discipleship and have been learning from Him? It is a life transformation worth living.
Matthew 11 : 28 & 29