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Saturday, June 24, 2017

But, I don't want to....I can't!

There have been so many truths from God that I have had a hard time embracing and applying to my life. Usually it is because of my life experience that puts me in the situation of thinking and saying, "but I don't want to", or "I can't".
Forgiving was one of them. Oh how hard that was sometimes. And depends on the situation, it is still a challenge now.
Looking back I wondered how I got pass that. How did I move from "I can't" to "I will". Some situations are blurry in my head because I deliberately push the experience aside, not wanting to remember, because I didn't want to do it.
Or, I don't want to remember the situation because it was too painful and it was one of those times I said "but I can't".
Getting to "I will" was simple, but definately not easy.
How was it simple? Well, throughout God's word, it is written that it is only through the grace and strength/enabling of God that we can do/obey/apply truth. Especially the hard ones.
2Co 12:9: 'He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”
Our weakness is manifested in our "I can'ts" and our "I don't want tos". I have found out, and I am finding out, that God most definately keeps His word ALWAYS! So when He says, "My power is made perfect in your weakness", He means it.
Only through the grace of God that we can embrace and live His truths, even the ones that seems impossible. 
Go to Him, He will heal you, change you,  and teach you how to live according to His truths.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Asking Questions? ?????

I have had many questions throughout my life about God and Christianity. As a child and teenager, I was afraid to ask them. As an adult, I saw it prudent not to ask as I wasn't sure of the responses, and Christians can be quite harsh.
The general response to those whom I took the risk in asking, was one of "you should just accept it". Not that I didn't want to accept God's word, but I just had questions. I realized recently, as I have been wrestling to understand and apply God's truth, that I wanted to fully understand so that I had no questions to the back of my head when telling someone else, or when telling my own self. Lol.
I also began to see the importance of asking the questions and seeking to fully understand. When I understand completely,  I am more confident in my walk with God. I am more at peace living His truths and living His truths becomes embedded in my soul and affects every area of my life.
I also see that His truths become real in its entirety. Not partially, or to a point, or with buts, but completely. I then experience all of what He promised- peace, rest, joy... I experience His love more deeply and fully.
I am glad I now feel free to ask my questions. I now tell my children and others, "ask your questions". God will not strike you down.
He was faithful in answering the disciples questions,  and Moses and Abraham and He knows our hearts and is faithful to us too.
Come and learn His truths. Learn to live each one.  Ask your questions,  make sure you understand. Experience His abundant life completely.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Sinking in...

When I am confronted with new truth about God and His ways, the hit varies in intensity - from a stern look to a ton of bricks. I don't have to tell you which ones I prefer. Either way I find that as I choose to embrace and apply His truth, His promised peace and rest flows.
I am also being transformed into His image each time I embrace His truth. I don't recognize myself anymore(I posted on that before).
It is strange and exciting and humbling, and overwhelming all wrapped up in one.
I also like that God does stuff in my life on a need to know basis. Yeah, it can be frustrating not knowing what's next,  but if He hit me with all I needed to change one lick, I wouldn't be able to handle it.
This invitation continues, to come to Christ. Have you gone to Him yet? And if you have, did you also take His yoke of discipleship and have been learning from Him? It is a life transformation worth living.
Matthew 11 : 28 & 29