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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Remaining God's Child

Remaining a child of God and enjoying all He has to offer is a life long journey. When we receive Him, confessing our sins, He makes us His children. We are forgiven, and we are adoted as His child, and our life long journey begins with being discipled by Him.
Being His disciple is a life long event. Every moment, every day.
God does use people who have been discipled and are being discipled by Him to disciple us and point us to Him. He gave that command in Matthew 28:19 to His first disciples,  'Therefore go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,'
In verse 20 of that same chapter, it tells us what discipleship is. 'Teaching them'
Who is disciplining you? Who has God brought alongside you to learn about Him? Don't close your heart to what God wants to do.
Remain in Him, remain blessed.