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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Christian Life Essentials

I was thinking over the past few days that many of us Christians say we follow and love God, however, the basic or foundamental things that we know about God and our relationship with Him is very limited and sometimes not based on truth.  If you are still struggling with them, and do nothing about it, then you are walking the road of unbelief.  This road leads to death ultimately, and walking it means you are living a lifestyle that is anti-God/Christ.  You are either entertaining thoughts of it or embracing it whole heartedly.
The following list just highlights these fundamental truths.  some you might already know, but my prayer is that it challenges your thinking to find out what is really God's truth:
1. All mankind has sin and are  born sinners. Romans 3:23-‘for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.’
2. Christ, God’s Son/God the Son, came in our form to die for us and testify/show us the truth.-John 3:16 says that God loves us that he sent His Son. In John 18:37, Jesus told Pilate that he came to testify to the truth.
3. The devil and his angels are condemned to eternal death in hell.  Hell is what it will be like fully separated from God-eternal death, fire, fears, sadness, etc. Matthew 25:41b says that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.
4. God did not condemned mankind to eternal death and hell. –Genesis 3 tells us that God said to Adam, “Curse is the ground because of you…”. Only the serpent was cursed.  When we allow ourselves to be deceived, and refuse to follow the truth, the end result is the same as the one who is condemned to hell.  This is why we need to pursue truth. Note this, saying ‘no’ or ‘wait’ to God is saying ‘yes’ or ‘maybe’ to all that is anti-God. John 3:9&10-‘No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.’ Anti-Christ spirit is rooted in the devil.  Making mistakes while being transformed as children of God is different from sinning.  If you know the truth and ignore it, it is sin.  If we sin, remember the prodigal son.
5. Confession and repentance of sin leads to immediate forgiveness from God and birth into a new life with God.  No longer are we walking dead with a bogus life, but we are alive in every way with God’s abundant life.  1John 1:9
6. Being born again=belonging to Christ=have all His  blessing and promises available to us. 
So, why do Christians suffer over and over needlessly in multiple areas?
1. They don’t know the truth about God, yourself and the world.  How to change this?  Educate yourself! Read the Bible! Read other books that is biblical. Talk to a biblical Christian. NOTE: God is not a quick fix God! Quick fixes do not develop character and God is in the business of molding us to be like Him.  We walk by faith, and there are works of faith. If, for example, you are believing God for financial increase or independence, then stop making foolish financial decisions.  Find out why what you are doing is not working.  If you want better grades, listen to the teacher, read your textbook, study, do your home work.  Along with all that you do, trust God, remembering that ultimately He is sovereign. Do not replace works of faith for faith in Christ.  They go together.
2. Unwillingness to change.  Some Christians are more committed to tradition that is centuries old than God’s truth, and what He is doing now.  God’s truth is applicable to all ages/times.  If an old tradition is not producing the results you want, do something else.  This is where we benefit as Christians, we seek God to guide us.  God knows the future, who better to trust and be guided by.  Example: whether we like it or not, computer, internet, and cell phones are here to stay.   Use it to be more efficient in what you do.  Teachers, Excel is more efficient in calculating grades. I see my husband Google information on fixing vehicles.  As you do this, keep acknowledging God.
3. Allowing shame, fear, low self-esteem, stress, and low self-confidence (to name a few), to keep you from finding out how to change, or how something works, or how to get the better job, or how to attract more sales or income, or how to get better grades, or how to have a better life.  Example: creating new income sources.  Did you know that getting a job or starting your own business is not the only way to make money, or making money work for you?  God created us in His image, we can create things!  Better yet, as Christians, we are redeemed, so it should be more successful for us than any other person.  Many times it is no,t right? Find out why! Ask the questions-ask God to bring what you need to accomplish it. Example: I have been praying for some time now that God increase our income source.  I make sure I tithe and give according to the Spirit’s leading.  I keep in my heart the truth that what I ask God He will grant me, and that I am blessed because I am His.  In the past few months, Krem started what they called money Mondays.  They had people who knows about finances come and share what they know about finances.  Then a few weeks ago, Mr. Lasel Arnold, owner of Belize Dry Cleaners, was on Plustv.  He share with listeners some books that will help with how we viewed money.   This is an answer to prayer.  My life is not one of coincidence.  God is in control, and He allows what happens in my life.  Now we are thinking differently when it comes to being financially stable and independent.  Example:  Tyler Perry-he asked God for him to make enough money so he could take care of his mom, God did so much more. Solomon asked for wisdom, and got so much more. Our works of faith and trust in God goes together.
4. If you don’t know then learn!  Ask people, listen to talk shows, read books, Google!  Have you ever wonder why most people who win the lottery become poor again?  The answer to that question will lead you to financial independence.  To create wealth you must educate yourself on money.  Money wants to work for you, but instead, you work for it.  You are driving money crazy!  Learn a skill.  Learn how to handle money.  Learn what is good to invest in.  Learn what invest means.  Learn what are good study habits.  Learn about yourself.  When you learn something new, share it with others.  Mentor others so they know too.
God bless us not just so we can enjoy it, but so we bless others.
So, my points:
1. Works of faith and trusting God go together
2. Stop complaining and/or  making excuses about where you are and do what you can about it.
3. Educate yourself!
4. Never forget who you are in Christ