When I was a child and going to Sunday School, I learned this song from my mom:
Consider the lilies
They don't toil nor spin
They bask in God's sunshine
They drink in God's rain
If God cares for them in such marvelous ways
How much more, how much more, how much more
Will He care for you/me and provide every need every day
Nowadays, remembering and singing that song only brings back memories of her always encouraging me to trust God.
Matthew 6: 25-34 explains why we, as children of God, have no need to worry and fret over what we need. I have been learning the delicate balance between being a responsible adult and trusting God completely. I thought for years that the two opposed each other. I am learning to do both by God's grace.
When I first realized that I didn't fully trust God in some areas of my life, I was shocked and appalled at myself. Why? Well, I considered myself an exemplary Christian. Self-righteousness right! One of my main weakness. I thank God for His grace.
I believed in Christ when I repented and gave my heart and life to Him. I trusted Him to save me. I also believed in Christ to keep me focused spiritually. But, He showed me that I was lacking in belief when it comes to my daily life, like financial provision, and relationships. This was already a big blow for me to find that out about myself, and now I must change my thinking to stay obedient to God; to stay yoked with Him; to keep abiding in Him.
Verse 33 sums it up well, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Since I don't want to be long in each post, I will explore this verse more in my next post.
I invite you to open up your heart to God and ask Him to teach you how to obey what He told us in these verses, especially verse 33.
Have a great weekend. Be safe. Be quick to forgive.