Hello Friends,
I have not posted on this blog for some time now. I have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to start again. Well, I know I said that I would stick to Facebook notes, as I didn't feel i would be able to handle a blog, well....God is directing me differently and so here I am.
I have to admit I was afraid to come back to this as my first start did not take off to well. I had to remind myself that this happens most times when trying something new, or when following God's lead into a new area.
I pray that this blog is a blessing to you whenever you would visit it. I am still working on some changes and updating.
Thanks for those of you who had followed me while I first started. I move on into the future knowing only that God knows what He is doing as He leads me.
To Him be the glory!
I leave with this reminder to us all.
"This book of the law (the Bible) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success." Joshua 1: 8.
Till next post.....