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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daily Steps

Hi Readers,
It is interesting how God would call you to something, and He then prepares us for that thing to come to pass.  He uses daily life events and experiences to mold us and guide us to His agenda.
It has been some years now since I knew God had something more in mind for me to do than to grow up, get a job, get married, have children, and train them up.  For one thing, I notice that leadership always follows me.  I was leading the youth group in the church I grew up in from teenage years.  Throughout my life so far, I have had the privilege and honour to be on a few leadership boards/councils.  I actually came to the point of wanting a break from being a leader.  I have tried to escape and run from it many times.  As I have decided to embrace God's calling on my life, the work God has been doing in my life deepened.  I also realize that while I was trying to avoid His calling, I was still pursuing Him for a closer relationship.  When I thought I was just holding over for the next leader, (because I didn't want to do it), God was setting me up to be where He wanted me to be so He can release what He wanted to do through me.
God's ways are truly higher than ours.  We think one thing and he has a whole other agenda.  I stand amazed at God's ability to change me into the person He wants me to be even when I think I am accomplishing something else.  All my life's experiences-loses, lessons, victories, pain, everything; He has used it bring me in line with His agenda for my life.  There is so much peace in knowing that he is leading and He knows what He is doing.
It has not always been rosy.  I remember when my very spiritual foundation was rocked to the core four years ago.  I felt like Job.  Out of all that crippling pain, I learn more of what it means when He says "I Am who I Am..." (Exodus 3: 14).  Although I initially questioned why He allowed it to happen, I felt His love, His comfort and His healing engulfed my heart so that the pain crippled me no more.  When I was grappling with the loss, God was working on me.  Now, four years later, I see the work he has done and also that He was laying a foundation and positioning me for what He is now telling me I need to do next.  That is is just one life experience.
When Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, He prayed for His Father to "remove this cup from me..."; and in the same breath submitted to God's will. (Luke 22: 42).  Looking ahead to what God has called me to is daunting.  However, I am confident because I know who has called me, and that He is in control.  He will do the impossible through me as I obey Him.
If God is doing this for me, He desires to do the same for you.  We don't get to see His work in our lives until after he does it, or sometimes during the process.  His call is ultimately to have a close and growing relationship with Him.  His call on our individual lives will be made know to us when we open our hearts to Him.  You also can experience His blessings in all areas of your life.  No more excuses, just do it.