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Thursday, November 24, 2016

My Source of Strength

'The Name of the Lord
Is a strong and mighty tower
The name of the Lord
Is a refuge for my soul
The name of the Lord
Is a pillar I can lean on
The righteous runs into the
Name of the Lord'
My thoughts have been drifting to the words of this song for some days now. It gently reminds me of my source of strength.
When I face anything that threatens to overwhelm me or consume me, being reminded of my source of strength is comforting and encouraging.
The Lord God is my source of strength. What/Who is yours?
I challenge you to run into His arms and let Him be your source of strength,  in everything and every area of your life.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Recently I am pleasantly reminded of the amazing abundant life God offers us. Christ death on the cross makes it possible to have unhindered access to God.
I am reminded of each detailed part of what He has for us as His children. The very fact that I am His child is a great status to be. All that comes with that is overwhelmingly amazing.
I love being reminded because it keeps me focus and my love for God grows deeper still.
Are you a child of God?
John 1:12 says 'But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name,'
Give your heart to Him today.
Are you already His child? Actively become His disciple, and learn all that He has to offer you. Learn all of what it means to be a child of God.
Be blessed.