Mat 16:18 says, 'I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.'
Christ church that He is building is not limited to our small church fellowship that we meet with weekly and are so devoted to. The church Christ is building is inclusive of the entire body of Christ around the world. The church, His church, that Christ is building is made up of His disciples. The ones that stay close to Him and learn from Him.
That church, Christ's church, the gates of hell cannot prevail against.
Are you a part of Christ's church? Are you His disciple, staying close to Him and learning from Him? Make sure today!
Thanks for visiting my blog site. I pray that you are blessed, encouraged, and challenged by what you read.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Christ's Church
Sunday, April 23, 2017
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine posted on Facebook a song by 'Mercy Me' called 'Wishful Thinking'. The song describes the realization that the way God intended for me to live my life was different from what I use to think and believe.
It wasn't all wrong, just that I had to shift my main focus on Him, rather than being focus on 'how to be a good Christian'.
I first had to learn how to be His child first and foremost. This never ends. Being His child meant I had to be discipled by Him. I had to learn how to be God's child.
Being His child means more than reading my bible, and praying everyday, and going to church. I have been doing that, and still my focus was not completely on Him.
Being His child meant I had to want to be with Him, 24/7. Not just knowing He is with me, but me being with Him. The difference is the focus. When I know He is with me and I am content with that, I don't always focus on Him and what He is saying and teaching me. However, when I am with Him, my complete self-heart, mind, and soul is focus 100% on Him and what He is saying.
I use to think I can only accomplish that in worship times, or in church services, conferences etc. Or a good quiet time. Outside of that, I am doing what I read in the bible, and what I was taught on how to be a good Christian.
But now, when I surrendered how I think, and how I feel, and my right to make my decisions etc, and become yoked with Him, I can't run off to do things my way, or how I think it to be right, because that means coming from inside the yoke. That means that I am no longer with Him.
Being with Him brings change to every little and large area of my life. It is simply amazing and peaceful and restful.
Being with Him means I wait for His say so to do, think, feel, say, live. I always wait for His leading, for His instructions, for Him to show me how. I am always content with just being with Him.
Sounds iresponsible? Lazy? No faith?
I know. I felt those same things too. Still do. I am learning how to deal with all that. It is even worse when you get questioned. The embarrassment, not understanding. .. My comfort is a lot didn't understand Jesus either, and I am yoked with Him, so.... And just check who didn't understand Jesus!
I remain yoked with Him.
Will you?
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Dwindling fears....
Remaining yoked with Christ, I notice that I am not as fearful any more. Whenever fear threatens to overcome me, I just remain focus on Christ and relax in His presence. Then peace and rest flows.
My fears were many, as I found out when I journaled them.
Fear of not being the woman, leader, wife, friend, sister or mother I am supposed to be. I wanted to be the best and a shinning example, only to find out that God just wants me to remain in Him and be obedient to Him.
I also feared that people would find out that I wanted a break from being the best and shinning example. A really long break.
Now, I don't fear it so much. As long as I am where God wants me, I need not fear anything. No matter who understood or not, it doesn't change how God views me.
The thoughts of impending embarrassment from people seeing my fears doesn't plague me anymore. His peace and rest reigns.
And although, sometimes, I wish others would understand, and the pain of not getting that understanding threatens to overcome me, I still remain in God's peace and rest and ever close to Him.
Are you as close as He wants you to be?
Sunday, April 2, 2017
All or Nothing.
As I ponder the life Jesus calls me to live with Him, I remember this scripture in Revelations 3:14-20. In verse 15 it says:
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot."
The words in bold stood out to me. Jesus desires all of us. He doesn't want a part time relationship, He desires full time, 24/7 relationship.
He does not like part time relationships, as stated in the first part of the verse, and it makes Him sick as stated in verse 16, when He said He wants to vomit them out.
In verse 17, the first part, He says why that church is neither cold nor hot and therefore in part time or lukewarm relationship with God:
" Because you say, ‘I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing;’ and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked;"
For some of us, the mind set that 'I must pursue riches, so that I am in need of nothing, and don't have to depend on anyone', also makes us lukewarm. Clearly how we view ourselves and how God views us can be vastly different, and it would benifit us to line up our view with His.
The second part of verse 17 is very sobering as it shows how God sees those of us who insists on being lukewarm and having part time relationship with Him.
Verses 18-20, God's solution is outlined:
18: "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich; and white garments, that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and eye salve to put on your eyes, that you may see.
19: As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline. Be zealous therefore, and repent.
20: Look, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me."
In verse 18, the bold words is significant in that God will not force us to change from part time relationship to full time. It also highlights the fact that we must make the decision to go to Him.
In verse 19, God tells why He is saying these things. He loves us and desire to teach us how He wants us to live, which I, and many, others have proven to be the most peacful, restful and successful way to live.
The whole of verse 20 is very important. It summarizes where He stands no matter our position, and it also states what He desires to do with us once we open up to Him, and have a full time relationship with Him.
Question is 'what is your position?'