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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Are you Growing?

If you have been born again in Christ, are you growing? 
Your new birth is your beginning in Christ, not a one stop encounter with Christ. To remain in Him, to enjoy the abundant life He promised, you must grow.
How do you grow? Well, going to church faithfully every Sunday and any other day WILL NOT DO IT. Your church attendance needs to be more than checking in, warming a bench or chair, and checking out. It needs to be more than surviving the week until Sunday again when you feel close to God.
It must be a deliberate, spiritual choice to follow Christ for all eternity. Your focus must be on Christ. Any other focus will find you far from His way. 
Your growth focus must not be you getting bigger and more popular and well known. It is not how many good things you have done. It is also not the size of your ministry or church.  Then He (Jesus) said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways (deny yourself), take up your cross daily, and follow me.
Luke 9 :23
You cannot follow Christ and ........ (this blank list is long). You must follow Christ alone.
I know! I know! The question pops up: "I no think God mi mean.....?"
"I have needs, and rights!"
It popped up in my head too.
But, these are His requirements.
Are you willing and ready to trust Christ that all that you need will be added to you (Matthew 6:33) and follow Him? Always choosing to be obedient to Him? Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you in everything?
If you are not ready, you will not experience His abundant, peaceful and restful life. You will always struggle to make it.
Let Father God lead you and take care of you, and mold you and use you to get more people into His kingdom.
You ready? Let's go!

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